How Vitamins C & D Can Help Treat Obesity

How Vitamins C & D Can Help Treat Obesity

Obesity is an emerging problem these days. It is a major health threat across the world. It is a condition wherein there is excess fat accumulation. This obesity is measured in the form of a body mass index that is BMI. Higher the BMI, greater is the risk of associated diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, etc. However, this problem can be controlled by eating healthy food, including physical activities, exercise etc. Ever thought that even vitamin intake can reduce this problem? The answer to this is “yes”. Vitamin C and D play a crucial role in controlling obesity. Let us see how.

  1. Vitamin C: Due to unbalanced oxidative stress people are affected by various diseases as mentioned above. To fight this, taking antioxidants aids in reducing obesity. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. It helps you to speed up your metabolism rate of fats which in turn helps you to reduce body fat. According to a recent study it was seen that people who are deficient in vitamin C have a hard time losing their excess fat. Individuals taking an adequate dosage of this vitamin were able to oxidize thirty percent more fat when combined with moderate physical activity. Abdominal fat is responsible for high-risk diseases. This vitamin plays a key role in controlling stress by bringing stress hormone cortisol to the normal level. This, in turn, ends up in storing less fat in the abdominal region. Only taking a high dosage of vitamin C would not do the magic. It is equally important that your calorie intake is balanced with proper exercise.

Sources: Cabbage, broccoli, plums, potatoes, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, or vitamin C supplements.

  1. Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays an important role in reducing your excess fat, especially the area above your belt that is belly fat. The individuals with large waistlines were found to be deficient in vitamin D. Recent studies indicate that individuals with BMI higher than thirty had the lower level of vitamin D. The special receptors for this vitamin give a sign whether the fat should be burnt or stored.  In case there is deficiency then the body increases the number as well as the size of cells that form fat. This eventually leads to an increase in obesity of the abdomen.  Calcium deficiency is mostly linked to vitamin D deficiency.  This, in turn, results in an increased level of production of synthase. This is the fatty acid enzyme that gets converted into fats. Vitamin D is vital for the shrinking of fat cells. This clearly indicates that vitamin D will help to lose weight and burn your belly fat.

Sources: Egg yolks, salmons, mushrooms, soy milk, cheese, beef liver, fatty fish, dairy products, cod liver oil, or vitamin D supplements.

Now that you are aware make sure you include sources that are rich in vitamin C and D. If you find your diet is not sufficient, take help of your physician to know the exact dosage of the supplement you require to stay fit and healthy.

Importance of Vitamin D and Why is it Good for Your Health

Importance of Vitamin D and Why is it Good for Your Health

Importance of Vitamin D

As the winters get darker day by day getting a daily dose of vitamins becomes all the more essential. Vitamins play an important role in the overall functioning of our body. They act as a medium through which we can achieve the aim of leading a healthy lifestyle. A recent study has shown that most of the adults experience a drop in their levels of vitamin D, especially during winters.

Functions of Vitamin D

Vitamin D popularly known as the sunshine vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role in absorption of calcium and phosphate thereby maintaining the health of our teeth, muscles, and bones. Some studies have shown that vitamin D aids in reducing fat accumulation thereby resulting in effective weight loss. It also helps in increasing the levels of serotonin a neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling appetite, decreasing calorie intake by making you feel satiated. This, in turn, triggers weight loss.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Lack of vitamin D may result in poor bone health. This means you are at a higher risk of suffering from fractures as your bones are weak. It may also lead to osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and rickets in children. It is also linked to autoimmune diseases, deadly cancers, and heart disease. Recent research shows that if the pregnant woman is deficient in this vitamin it may lead to complications and premature delivery of babies. The other side effects include muscle pain, hair loss, back pain, impaired wound healing, fatigue, depression etc.

Associated Risk Factors

The main risk factor is directly linked with the people who are less exposed to sunlight, that is who spend maximum time of their day staying indoors. People with dark skin are prone to this deficiency. Melanin, the pigment present in their skin acts as an obstacle to make this vitamin D. The kidneys are responsible for the conversion of this vitamin in its active form. Therefore, those with kidney problems may be at a higher risk. The individuals with digestive disorders hamper the ability to absorb this vitamin. People who are obese have excess body fat. Vitamin D instead of getting circulated gets trapped in these fat tissues. Now that we know the risk factors, let us take a step to know the sources of vitamin D.

Sources of Vitamin D

The best way to get vitamin D naturally is from sunlight. Bathe yourself in the morning sunlight for at least five to thirty minutes to get your quota of vitamin D. Expose your body and let the sun kiss your body. However, make sure you have not applied any sunscreen. Take proper care to cover yourself if your skin turns red or you are getting a burning sensation. You can get vitamin D from egg yolks, liver, red meat, oily fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel, etc. Adding a supplement containing ten grams of vitamin D is highly recommended for every individual. For babies, vitamin D drops are easily available.

Now that you know the significance of this vitamin, make sure you expose yourself to the sunlight or at least consult your doctor to know the exact amount of supplement you need to take to meet your optimal level of vitamin D.