5 Ways To Feed Your Brain

5 Ways To Feed Your Brain

We all want to grow old gracefully and keep our wits about us as the years roll by and one of the ways we can do this is to look after our brain function. So, it is important to consider how nutrition can affect our brain health.

 Fruit and Vegetables

One of the most important things we can do to look after our brain health is to eat sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetables. However, while this may seem like obvious advice, according to a survey published by the International Business Times, only 17% of British adults managed to get their five portions of vegetables and fruit a day.[1]

Recent studies have found that the risk of cognitive decline and developing dementia in old age is lower in people who consume at least their five a day.[2] So, eat fresh to stay sharp!

Blueberries are particularly packed with goodness and can boost learning and memory due to the high levels of flavonoids, in particular anthyocyanins, which are thought to protect against oxidative stress , which can damage parts of cells in the brain. Try adding some to a smoothie sprinkle them on your porridge, or even buy a punnet to snack on during the day.

Omega 3 oils

Omega 3 oils are another crucial nutritional element that supports the brain’s normal function. DHA is one of the major Omega 3 fatty acids in the brain and is believed to have the most positive effect on both our memory and mood. Omega 3 is most commonly found in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, as well as walnuts, chia seeds, and eggs. If you still feel you aren’t getting enough, try one of our Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000mg supplement.


As well as being packed with omega-3 fatty acids, eggs also contain choline, which helps to repair and maintain healthy brain cell membranes. Additionally, eggs are also a great source of nutrition, packed full of protein, vitamin B2, B6, B12 as well as vitamin D, zinc and calcium, all of which can contribute to the production of energy in the body, aid blood circulation and help build strong bones.

B Vitamins

Recent studies have shown that those with high levels of B vitamins in their diet are more protected from brain shrinkage and cognitive decline and have improved communication between the brain and the nervous system.

It is therefore especially important that older people eat a diet rich in B vitamins. One of the most common foods rich in B vitamins are wholegrains. It can be incorporated into your diet easily by swapping white pasta and bread to wholegrain versions instead. If you’re still struggling to get enough vitamin B into your diet try our Vitamin B12 supplement, which can also support the formation of blood cells, boost immunity and combat tiredness and fatigue.


Spinach is a good source of folic acid and vitamin C, both of which are needed for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain (substances that transmit nerve signals). Like other green vegetables, it is also a source of chlorophyll, which may favour the absorption of iron and promote red blood cell growth, which improves oxygen transport around the body and to the brain. Use spinach raw as a basis for any salad, steam it as a base for fish or add it to smoothies or vegetable juices.

[1] International Business Times UK. (2016). Only 17% of Brits eat their five portions of fruit and veg a day.

[2] Physical activity, cognitive decline, and risk of dementia: 28 year follow-up of Whitehall II cohort study.

5 benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet

5 benefits of eating a Mediterranean diet

As the temperature warms up outside, there is no better time to inject an element of summer into your cooking and take inspiration from the Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet has long been praised for its health benefits and rich nutritious goodness. Although there are slight variations across southern Europe, the diet is primarily based on fish, fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and healthy oils.

So, if you’re inspired to bring some Mediterranean cuisine into your kitchen, here are some of our top tips to help you cook up a summer feast, leaving you feeling nourished and full of energy.

1. Swap your proteins
A staple ingredient in many Mediterranean dishes is fish. Often caught fresh from the ocean, fish rather than meat, makes up the main source of protein for many people across the continent. Grilled oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna, with a sprinkling of herbs and lemon, is not only a great source of protein, but also rich in Omega 3. Foods rich in Omega 3 can contribute to healthy bones due to their high anti-inflammatory properties, as well as help to reduce cholesterol and assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Fish is also far lower in saturated fats than many red meats, giving you even more reason to swap your proteins.

If you aren’t able to eat 2 – 3 portions of oily fish a week, make sure your Omega 3 levels are kept topped up with our Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000mg, to help keep your heart and joints in great health.

2. Help yourself to large portions of wholegrain
Many people assume that carbohydrates are excluded from the Mediterranean diet. However, bread, rice and pasta do play a part in many of the dishes. But the key factor is that they’re wholegrain. As opposed to white bread and pasta, wholegrains are rich in magnesium, vitamin B and fibre, all of which are great sources of slow releasing energy. Slow releasing energy helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer, so you’re less likely to snack throughout the day.

Popular whole grain, barley, is full of fibre, which can greatly aid digestion and help support general gut health.

3. Get snack savvy with fruit & veg
Many of us often don’t manage to reach our 5-a- day but with a Mediterranean diet it is easy to fruit and veg into every meal of the day. Try adding fresh fruit ike bananas and raspberries to your breakfast in the morning. Picking a range of different types of fruits will ensure that you get a wide variety of anti-oxidants in your system. If you’re in a rush or don’t have time for breakfast try taking our Bio C Complex, an antioxidant nutrient that contributes to the functioning of the immune system and protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Crudités are another hugely popular snack; simply chop up some carrots, cucumber, radishes and celery as a stand-alone afternoon snack or as a healthy accompaniment to a meal. Celery is especially beneficial as it is not only full of vitamins and hydrating due to it’s high water content, but is also extremely low in calories with a mere 6 calories per stalk.

4. Give your heart some TLC
Keeping your heart healthy plays a big part in the Mediterranean diet, so it’s time to ditch the trans fats such as butter, for monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and walnut oil.

Monounsaturated fats play a vital part in keeping our hearts healthy as they can help to lower your cholesterol levels. For those who want to show their heart a little extra love try taking our Ubiquinol Qu10, a specific form of Coenzyme Q10, which can not only help strengthen our heart muscles, but may also be able to help protect against heart disease.

5. A little bit of sunshine
The Mediterranean diet embraces alfresco dining, which in itself has some real health benefits. Dine al-fresco in the sunshine, rather than al-desko when the chance arises, in order to boost your body’s vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is vital for our body’s immunity, helping to keep joints healthy and help build strong bones and teeth. To make sure you’re getting your daily dose of vitamin D whatever the weather, try taking a supplement such as our Forte D 4000, which helps support bone and immune health.