Best Probiotics to Support Your Digestive and Immune Systems

Best Probiotics to Support Your Digestive and Immune Systems

What are Probiotics?

When we think or hear words like bacteria, viruses, germs etc. we often assume them to be bad. However, our body consists of trillions of bacteria that help us to maintain the health of our body. Surprised? Confused? Sounds weird?  If you have not heard the word probiotic before it is but obvious.

If you break down the word probiotic the literal meaning of it would be “for life”.Probiotics are living microorganisms rightly known as good bacteria. There are various types of probiotics and each one has a different characteristic. The most common probiotics are lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. Lactobacillus is found in yogurt or in foods that have undergone a fermentation process. Bifidobacterium is also found in dairy products. Research has shown that including probiotics in your diet can actually increase your immunity and maintain the overall health of your gut. In addition, these “good” bacteria can actually lessen the severity of any allergies, reduce cholesterol levels and recurrent UTIs, improve your overall metabolism, aid in lowering blood pressure etc. Let us see in detail how it can affect your digestive and immune system.

How Probiotics can do wonders for your digestive and immune system

Patients who need to take severe antibiotics usually suffer from the side effect of diarrhea. The strong medication while targeting bad bacteria may also kill good bacteria. To compensate for this, the doctors often prescribe a supplement in the form of probiotic. Lactobacillus acidophilus, in particular, is highly recommended to patients suffering from antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Probiotics help in controlling the functioning of nerves present in the gut. Lactobacillus is helpful for patients who cannot digest lactose or sugar present in the milk. Nowadays probiotics are usually taken as an alternative or complementary medicine to maintain the overall health of your digestive system. Constipation is another condition caused due to improper digestion of food making the patient feel uncomfortable. This condition occurs mainly because the balance of intestinal flora is disturbed. This is where the probiotics will help you to balance the intestinal flora. It is also used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

When harmful bacteria dominate, gut health is disturbed. This, in turn, results in reducing the production of vital enzymes and vitamins. The immune system is thus weakened leading to serious health issues. In the earlier days the soil, water, and food had all the required good bacteria which we used to consume through the food we get. But the modern lifestyle has hampered their numbers. Moreover, things like tobacco consumption, processed foods, caffeine, antacids, reduce the number of good bacteria present in your body. Therefore it is essential to include probiotics to boost your gut health and immune system. These good bacteria protect the intestinal lining and don’t let the viruses enter in your blood. The pathogens are restricted from entering the gastrointestinal tract. These friendly bacteria enhance the functioning of enzymes resulting in better absorption of nutrients to the maximum capacity.

To conclude we can safely say that probiotics do wonders to our digestive system. They maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the invasion of harmful viruses, germs etc. thus increasing our immunity. However, if you are consuming a probiotic supplement it is best to take your doctor’s advice.

How Probiotics Can Help with Viral Infections

How Probiotics Can Help with Viral Infections

What is viral infection?

Due to drastic changes in human ecology like the increased movement of people to geographical areas, global warming, etc. the risk of viral infections has increased dramatically. Whenever we visit a doctor for cold, cough or fever, the most common reason given by the health professional is a viral infection. Viral infection as the name suggests is nothing but the infection caused by a virus that has entered our body. Viruses can invade our body only with the help of host as they are unable to reproduce on their own. Viruses use the host as a medium to introduce their genetic material into the cells and start multiplying the count of viruses. During this process, the host cell is killed thus making a freeway for the newly formed virus particles. Once these virus particles are set free they are all set to attack the other cells in the body. Viral infection can be caused by food, air, water, touch, insects, contaminated needles, sexual contact etc.  To prevent the attack of viruses and to increase our immunity it is essential that you include probiotics as a part of your diet or if required in the form of supplements. Let us see in detail how probiotics can help us to fight viral infections.

How Probiotics can help with viral infections

Vaccination is one of the best measures to prevent the attack of viruses. In case it happens then taking antiviral drugs is the best measure to fight it out or to just let the illness run through its course is another way out. Antivirus drugs do not kill the virus but its growth is inhibited. The most common viral infections are gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.  With increased resistance to antiviral drugs and antibiotics, treatment of viral infections is really becoming a challenge.  In such scenarios including probiotics is a safe alternative to reduce the risk of such type of infections.

The exact mechanism of how probiotics work is not known. However, a recent study shows that they might be balancing the local microbiota or alleviating the severity and duration of the acute virus. It may also be enhancing the immune response or inhibiting the growth of the virus.

Our body contains good bacteria and bad bacteria. The overuse of antibiotics hampers the immune system thus removing both good and bad bacteria. In addition, antibiotics cause side effects like diarrhea. This creates an adverse effect on our immunity and health. Recent research has led to the conclusion that probiotics can be effective. Moreover if given in combination with antibiotics it can reduce the risk of diarrhea. The digestive tract contains a maximum number of good bacteria thus providing a direct effect on our immunity. Therefore it is essential to keep these bacteria alive. This can be done by including a diet that contains good bacteria, the most popular source being yogurt. Stick to naturally fermented foods for your daily dose of probiotics. In case this does not suffice your requirement you can take a probiotic supplement by consulting your health professional.

Probiotics Myth – Taking it with Antibiotic

Probiotics Myth – Taking it with Antibiotic

Probiotics Myth – Taking it with Antibiotic

Probiotics are good bacteria that have life-supporting and healthy effects on your body especially your digestive system. Probiotics are made up of different strains of bacteria and each strain interacts with the body differently. Thus, it’s essential to make an informed decision about the probiotic supplement you choose. Different probiotic strains give different benefits to the body, and some bacteria-based supplements may contain inconsistent strains.

There is a common myth that probiotics can’t be used with antibiotics. In fact, there are different probiotic choices available that can be beneficial before, during, and after antibiotic use.

Myth: You should never take probiotics while taking antibiotics

Taking probiotics with antibiotics was considered a waste of money, and people would instead wait until the course of antibiotics had finished before taking a dose of their probiotic supplement to restore the depleted friendly bacteria levels.

FactTaking probiotic can benefit the body during and after antibiotic use
Antibiotics are used to eliminate invasive bacteria from the body which can affect the health, but an antibiotic cannot differentiate the good bacteria from the bad. This implies, however, the bacterial probiotic might be useful for your body, the antibiotic only recognises it as a bacterial organism and destroys it.

As antibiotics destroy all bacteria, they often upset the balance of the body by exhausting the body’s naturally existing good bacteria in addition to any bad bacteria. This can leave the body more vulnerable to infections. The use of a yeast-based probiotic, which isn’t compromised by antibiotics, used in conjunction with antibiotic treatment can help to maintain healthy levels of good bacteria, stabilising the internal balance of the gut and leaving the antibiotic to fight off only bad bacteria. Maintaining digestive health can support a healthy immune system before, throughout and after antibiotic use.

While there might be concerns about taking a bacteria-based probiotic with antibiotics, as opposed to yeast-based probiotics, they can help to support digestive health even when it is weakened by antibiotics. We recommend a reliable yeast-based probiotic to maintain digestive harmony and to support overall health. Taking yeast-based probiotics consistently supports your body before, during, and after and antibiotic use.